Welcome to Euclid's Cabin 1.0!

I'm gonna be honest, I haven't a clue what I'm doing and this is the first major "coding" project I've started outside of a bit of Python, some C# and a sprinkle of HTML, so this is ought to be interesting. I've wanted to stop being a filthy web peasant for a while now and I suppose this is as good of a place to start as any.

If you want to contact me, you can email this website's specific Email I have setup for this project, any tips, tricks or ideas for improvement are greatly appreciated! The email is here

Some Introduction

I am a strong believer that Social Media is a sort of painful and restrictive enviroment for people, you don't really own the enviroment you are working in and it really limits you creatively. I suppose that this enviroment isn't much better, you're still bound by the limits of Neocities amd what they will actually allow you to get away with but I hope to have a version of EuclidBlender up where it is running on a server in my house. I have a AMD Sempron machine sitting on the sidelines right now that could work nicely as long as it doesn't get alot of traffic or even I oculd just pay the 3.50$ a month fee for 10gb of storage on another server. This is the dawn of a new era for me and my stupid projects.

HTML is a fun language and is the quintessential language for web design, you can do alot of stuff using this language and a little bit of gumption. Of course, my next website (Which I will hopefully get around to figuring out soon) will not be hosted on a enviroment such as Neocities and will instead be hosted on my own server in my house or on a server that I pay for, so I will need to learn to actually operate a server and stuff like that.

I believe that I am going to quickly outgrow the 1gb limitations of this service becuase I eventually want to get more and more images and stuff onto this site.


I recently started hoarding FLAC files and even if it's just a placebo, I believe fully that the audio quality is there. Now surely, my Koss Porta Pros where on the wiser end of audio purchases in comparisons to my previous purchases that where maybe not so informed but to be honest, they're quite good and the handy little carrying case they come with is really nice for traveling with them. All around good product for what I need it for. A good arguement people have against FLACs is that "Oh I don't need that I have Spotify!!!" Well consider this, you are cringe and are undeserving of access to the internet. I would rather pay 20$ for a second hand SSD or HDD on the local used parts market than 120$ a year for a sub-par audio system where I don't even own the files. Think about that, let it fucking dwell in your useless little brain. YOU DON'T OWN IT, ITS FAIRY DUST, GABBLEDEEGOOK, MAGIC, YOU DON'T POSSESS IT. Paying for Spotify is comparable to paying your playground friend Tommy 5$ to play on his Gamecube for 1hr, but after that hour, you cna't and now you're out 5$ and the temporary happiness provided is fleeting very very quickly. This is why you need to collect FLACs, this is why you need to hoard them, this is why you need to embrace the world of based audio TODAY!


Webring Section!

Quick Summary, a Webring is a cooperative agreement between two website owners to promote / connect eachother's websites by means of hyperlinking eachother sites. I'm probably butchering the definition, but that's how I would explain it. This will be home to mainly my friend's websites and whatever else I think may be cool.

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